Subject: Re: Creeping PCism...
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/08/2004 09:15:18
On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Christian Biere wrote:

> Johnny Billquist wrote:
> > I don't like having ^H as the default for erase, and now it's both in X
> > and normal shells. Is there an easy way to have something else as default?

Why do you think it's the default in "X"? What are you seeing (exactly)?

> For the console:
> man gettytab; grep for "erase char".
> For xterm:
> man xterm; grep for "backarrowKey", "ttyModes", "ptyInitialErase", and
> "deleteIsDEL". You probably need only the latter two.
> Put your favorite settings into /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm to make them
> the host-wide defaults.

Don't do that!? It'll be overwritten on the next system update. A
better way to do is, to do add such things to "~/.Xresources". For

XTerm*VT100*Geometry:           100x32
XTerm*deleteIsDEL:              true
XTerm*background:               grey95
XTerm*foreground:               blue4
XTerm*saveLines:                255

(By the way, "BackarrowKey" and "DeleteIsDEL" can be tried via the
"xterm" pop-up menus; but BackarrowKey does the opposite of what the
OP wants, and "DeleteIsDEL" only applies if you've already remapped
your "Backspace" key to "Delete", in which case BackarrowKey will do

Then, you enable them by adding, to your "~/.xsession" or "~/.xinit"
file (as applies):

  xrdb -load ~/.Xresources

Alternatively, you can "export XENVIRONMENT=~/.Xresources". The later
will cause Xlib to read the file before starting every single client,
the former stores the resources in the Xserver, which is somewhat more

> > And while I'm at it. I also hate having SHIFT toggle the fifth bit, I want
> > it to always just set it.
> man xmodmap; Map Shift_L and Shift_R to Caps_Lock or vice-versa.

How will that help? I understand the complaint to be that "SHIFT",
with "CAPS" set, types small letters. There might be a way to change
that with either "xmodmap" or "xkbcomp", but it doesn't sound trivial
(or desirable, but that's just me).
