Subject: Re: menu-creator
To: None <>
From: Roman Kennke <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/22/2004 09:23:14
> I do want an automated system to add new menu entries when a package is
> installed.

On is a draft for a menu specification, which makes menu
handling quite easy: . An
application package only needs to drop a .desktop file in
/usr/pkg/share/applications (on NetBSD) to get a menu entry in -aware desktops. I know, at least Gnome and KDE do
recognize them. So maybe a menu-creation tool is not really needed, but
someone should 1. tell the application developers/packagers to provide
such a .desktop-file OR 2. create a package, which places menu entries in
The .desktop files are pretty easy to understand.

Cheers, Roman