Subject: Re: Unprivileged access to devices
To: Louis Guillaume <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/02/2004 11:05:59
> of devices such as the cd-rom or dvd drive?
> The standard install (1.6Zx, current) produces devices files owned by
> root and only readable by root and the group "operator". This is pretty
> restrictive and I understand that it's a reasonable default in general.
> However, things like cd-roms and dvds or any other removable media are
> desirable to most users - they want to play a cd or dvd, or perhaps burn
> a cd.

use vfs.generic.usermount=1 in sysctl

and set user/group privilege to directory to which cd/dvd have to be
mounted like /cdrom

then put in /etc/fstab something like

/dev/cd0a /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0

with this - use can do mount /cdrom and umount /cdrom

for raw read - there's no problem to set non-root owner/group for rcd*