Subject: Re: Handling signals
To: Benjamin Walkenhorst <>
From: David S. <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/24/2003 23:20:44
> I have written a program that writes output to a log file (via
> fprintf()). When I stop the program (which runs in background) via
> kill, the last line of output sometimes is not written completely into
> the file.
> I use a perl-script to control the program which starts the program by
> reading the logfile's last line and passing part of it as a
> command-line-argument to the program.
> When reading such an incomplete line, sometimes processing the line
> fails or the program is started with an incorrect parameter. So I would
> like to make sure, the program does not quit while writing a line to
> the logfile.
> I think I remember you can do this in shell-scripts via the
> "trap"-command. With trap, if I remember correctly, you can catch a
> signal and define an action to handle it. Can I do such a thing in C?
Sure. The explanation of how is a bit involved. I recommend reading
chapter 10 of Steven's _Advanced_Programming_in_the_UNIX_Environment_.
If you don't have that book, then you should get a copy, especially
if you're going to do the sort of programming you describe.
David S.