Subject: Re: is quotacheck always so ploddingly slow on big filesystems?
To: Michael Kolos <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/18/2003 13:55:00
[ On Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 11:16:51 (-0500), Michael Kolos wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: is quotacheck always so ploddingly slow on big filesystems?
> Currently it's only on a single file system per machine.

Ah, OK, well that explains why you've not seen the parallel run problem
I noticed after fixing the first UID problem.

I probably only need to support one filesystem per host initially as
well so I think with the addition of FreeBSD's edquota I'll be set to

>  The NetBSD 
> startup scripts automatically run quotacheck -a when quotas are
> enabled.

Yes I expected you were using that script but I wanted to check.  :-)

						Greg A. Woods

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