Subject: Re: ISDN dialup problem (Network is down)
To: Torsten Sadowski <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/08/2003 23:05:32
>>>>> "Torsten" == Torsten Sadowski <> writes:
Torsten> my router modernization project is currently stalled
Torsten> because the dialup connection won't dialup.
Torsten> I tried the standard ifconfig:
Torsten> inet link1 down
Torsten> When I try to ping something I just get a Network is down
Torsten> message. Marking the interface up works, but then it
Torsten> never disconncts.
Torsten> Is there a possibility to analyze whats wrong?
Do you have also set the default route like:
route add -net default -interface