Subject: Re: Custom Boot CD w/o Other NetBSD Boxes
To: None <netbsd-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alex Kirk <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/05/2003 15:51:11
> The image you've downloaded doesn't use ffs but utarfs. So there's
> a tar file (starting at 14*512 bytes on the one I have) containing
> a meta file and a kernel. If you use dd you can extract the tar file
> and I *guess* you can modify it too.
Fascinating. I'll try that this evening, when I'm home from work.
> An up-to-date manpage of
> installboot(8) also explains how you can create a bootfloppy with
> ffs/ufs. (The one I have is from 1997 - I wonder why).
I'll probably be giving this a try soon, too. My NetBSD/Dreamcast system is
currently building the toolchain to allow me to compile an i386 kernel on
it...though considering it's been running just that for over 5 hours now, it
could be a bit before I have my kernel.
Thanks again for the tips.
Alex Kirk