Subject: Re: Problem with ssh commands from cron
To: Christoph Kaegi <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/26/2003 17:15:47
> Dear list
> I'am restarting named on a remote system by connecting via
> ssh and authenticating through a certain private key.
> The authorized_keys file on the remote host is setup as to
> call '/etc/rc.d/named restart' every time this key authenticates.
> The call looks like this:
> # ssh -n -t -i /root/.ssh/restartDNSid remotesystem
> This works, when called directly from the console. When
> called from cron, named gets restarted, but ssh never
> returns.
try -T for ssh
anyway isn't it better to do
ssh root@remotesystem "/etc/rc.d/named restart"
with RSA/DSA authentication set up?
BTW i'm very happy i get rid of ssh almost everywhere. protocol that takes
30 seconds to connect to 486 isn't fun. and so complicated that it
can introduce (not yet found) more security problems than it solves.
i got back to old things like rlogin, rsh - IP/user based authentication
is enough for me, i could use IPsec or secure tunnels where encryption is
needed. and it is FAST.