Subject: CM8738 Cmedia PCI sound Card problem
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/22/2003 08:05:30
    cmpci0 at pci0 dev 9 function 0: C-Media Electronics, \
    Inc. CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device (rev. 0x10)

I'm seeing what looks like either a hardware or driver problem CM8738
Cmedia PCI sound card (Inland Turbo Sound PCI 5.1 channel).  Most of
the time the sound is just fine, but every once in a while there is a
burst of "vibrato" where it seems like the same samples are played a
few 100ms apart to make a "fast echo".  I'm trying to get a handle on
whether this is a hardware or driver problem (and if it is a
manufacturing bug in a single card or a chip design bug).  The
following posting mentions what I assume is the same bug, but under a
totally different OS (some MS POS).  It tends to make me think this is
a chip design problem.

Do other folks notice the same thing with CM8738's.  Are these guys
the Realtek of sound chips (cheap but buggy)?

Finding a PCI soundcard that works and is supported by netbsd isn't
that easy these days...

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
       The above "From:" address is valid.  Don't mess with it.