Subject: Re: krb5-types.h missing since 1.6U
To: Louis Guillaume <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/22/2003 13:29:03
On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 02:39:09AM -0500, Louis  Guillaume wrote:
> Has there been a change that obsoletes this file?

Yes, I think it was not considered part of the API (internal use only), so
nothing should need to include it. It is obsoleted and will be removed by
sysinst upgrading a machine or by postinstall if installing from source.

> If so - something 
> needs to be done about the sasl2 package that looks for it...

Yes, the test in the Makefile is stupid - it looks like cyrus-sasl2 only ever
inlcudes <krb5.h> - so that is what the makefile should test for.

Please file a PR about this (or any other pkgs using similar stupid tests).
