Subject: Re: Virus-Scanner for NetBSD?
To: Benjamin Walkenhorst <>
From: Oliver Egginger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/20/2003 16:02:32
> I would like to have it run a virus-scanner, and a free 
> one, if possible. 

If you don't need an AV daemon you can use the clamav scanner. The clamd
will not run with NetBSD but the clamav scanner works nice with NetBSD.
Have a look at
for more informations.

F-Prot also works with NetBSD. This tool is terribly slow but maybe more
thorough than the beta clamav project. Get it here:
This is (presumably) the best choice. But it isn't open source.

If you need a deamon style solution you have to use the MKSD with MKS32,
At the present this is the only AV daemon for NetBSD. There exists an
english translation and it can be easily integrated with the Exim ACL
patch. But I think you don't need an av daemon, cause you don't have to
configure a mailserver. 

Try f-prot or clamav, if you like.


Am Mon, 2003-10-20 um 15.22 schrieb Benjamin Walkenhorst:
> Hello everybody,
> I am setting up a small NetBSD-server for home use (NFS, remote-X11-apps, 
> internet/firewall). I would like to have it run a virus-scanner, and a free 
> one, if possible. 
> That is, primarily free of charge. And open source virus scanner would be 
> appreciated but isn't necessary.
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
Oliver Egginger <>
Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg