Subject: Re: Silly way to waste bits.
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/04/2003 06:24:18
> In any case, sounds like a good idea to me :) I have a DNS LOC record too...
> (try "dig loc")

Okay, here's my info for the record, based on my *suggested* fields:

20030804, 4, -95.48117 29.71726, Richard Rauch,

Coords are as xglobe (NOT xworld, sorry) expects them: It seems that it
wants them as single decimal fractions of degrees in longitude, lattitude,
not degrees-minutes-seconds.  I got them as best I could from mapsonus.
I don't have no steenkin' GPS devices.  )^&

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."