Subject: Re: Licensing...
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/16/2003 10:41:40
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On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 12:48:46AM -0700, John Clark wrote:
> My wife rousted me out of bed this morning waving a printout [...]
> SCO has now gone in the business of supporting an army of lawyers and is
> ferreting out any residual AT&T code to be found in linux.
That's not news, that's olds... this is going on for several weeks now.
> the rhetorical question I have, is it still the case that BSD in
> any of its major 'free' version, that is NetBSD and FreeBSD
> in any way beholding to AT&T in any way shape or form?
IANAL, but...
The Unix System Laboratories - UCB- dispute was settled by (I think) three
files being removed from the original Berkeley "Net/2" distribution, a few
source files being acknowledged as having Copyright USL but being licensed
by USL using a Berkeley style license, and USL acknowledging that a couple
files which USL originally claimed being their own are of Berkeley origin.
(Shortly after the dispute had begun, Novell had bought USL from AT&T, and
Novell was very interested to get rid of the lawsuit- and the counter-suit
from Berkeley. The agreement was signed in January 1994.)
So all OSes based on 4.4BSDlite / 4.4BSDlite-2 are safe.
Disclaimer: this is my personal view. I am in no way representing the legal
position of Bonn University, The Regents of the U of C at B, or The NetBSD
Foundation, who all have their official speakers and press bureaus.
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