Subject: Re: serial null modem
To: Caloro Maurizio <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/11/2003 08:09:32
In message <>, Caloro Maurizio writes:
>dear group,
>i have heard that max 15 meter i can use for a serial cable (null modem)=

>to work with a terminal session.
>its possible to use a serial booster, oder has any one here a serial
>cable longer that 15 meters ?

I've run RS-232 lines for at least 100 meters, and probably 150.  Mind =

you, this was back when 19.2 Kbps was fast, but...  Use high-quality =

cable; the limiting factor is generally the capacitance of the line, =

which tends to smear the pulses.  And don't be surprised if you can't =

run at 230 Kbps.

		--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)