Subject: Re: Anyone using TCFS or similar?
To: poff <>
From: Stefan Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/10/2003 14:58:09
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* poff ( wrote:
> Basically I'm your paranoid laptop user who needs security on files in
> case=20
> of theft.
> >From what I've read the gnupg option isn't what Ineed.
> What about cfs, any good?
I'm using it since 1.5.2 and it works well, but sometimes it dies and
hangs, so I have to reboot my machine, but this happens only
cfs also installs w/o problems from pkgsrc, but you cannot run it
on one machine together with nfsd.=20
IMHO cfs with blowfish might be enough for your need (3des is IMHO to
slow) but if you are using -current you might also take a look at cgd=20
which works as an pseudodevicedriver and encrypts disks/partitions.
Stef    =20
The freeway is jammed and it's backed up for miles
The car is an oven and baking is wild
Nothing is ever the way it should be
What we deserve we just don't get you see - Iron Maiden

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