Subject: Re: Cautionary Tale: New Install/root Password/Keyboard Layout
To: Nick Boyce <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/03/2003 21:10:12
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Nick Boyce wrote:

> I tried pretty much every punctuation character on the keyboard,
> shifted, and Alt'ed, but nothing generated whatever the mystery
> character code needed to be.
> So in the end I rebooted from the NetBSD installation CD, exited the
> installer, mounted my root partition, and edited wscons.conf back to
> the default state again ... it was the quickest way out of this silly
> mess.

The quickest way out would have been to hit "SPACE" when you saw the
boot prompt, boot to single user with "boot hd0a:netbsd -s", then run
"passwd" from the single-user shell. If it's up and running, and you
don't want to cycle power, you can get the debugger prompt with
"CTL-ALT-ESC", type "kill 1", then "c", and again, "passwd" from the
single-user shell.
