Subject: Re: Backup to Tape
To: None <>
From: Chuck Yerkes <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/19/2003 15:22:59
Could you give me ex-developer Rob's home directory from tape from
last January 17th please?
Oh wait, I mean Jan 17 of 2001.

And we need a restore of that Sparc 2 machine we had in 1995.
There was some code in /usr/local/src/ and that's the only place
we KNOW where it is.

Tapes are not drives.
It is not practical to slide 40 drives/night into your backup
array and ship half of them to IronMountain.

That said, my S.O. deals with 200 Terrabytes of data (many
computers, many RAIDs).  They don't/can't backup most of that.

Quoting (
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 05:18:36PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> > and DLT tapes as i see costs quite lot
> The following figures from pricewatch show DLT and IDE media to be
> comparable in price.  My guess is that the DLT media will be more reliable,
> depending on the drive used.
> media   US$       gigs    cost/gig  source    notes
> ------  ------    ------  --------- ------    -----
> DLT IV  $35.45    40      $0.88    Sony brand
> IDE     $44.00    40      $1.10    2         90 day warranty
> IDE     $55.00    60      $0.91    3         90 day warranty
> IDE     $67.00    80      $0.83    4         30 day warranty
> IDE     $86.00    100     $0.86    5         8 mo. warranty
> IDE     $92.00    120     $0.76    6         30 day warranty
> IDE     $120.00   160     $0.75    7         30 day warranty