Subject: Re: BIND and big giant RBL PLUS!!!! table wahoo!
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/10/2003 12:05:24
> > > Real Time Blackhole List + has grown to 51,698,706 bytes in size!!!
> > > Bind, running with just that entry uses 129Megs of memory.
> >
> > what does it mean?
> I think it just means that the Internet is growing. Remember when people
> used to complain that they had to upgrade their Cisco 7000s to 64 MB of
> memory in order to maintain the routing tables in a default-free zone?
> Now nobody would even consider using a 7000 for that, and it's not even
> unusual to see a 2600-series router with 64 MB of RAM.

this doesn't mean only that's growing, but it mostly mean complete
nonsense in IP allocation, which are allocated in very small pieces
completely independently from geographical location.

at least in Europe