Subject: Re: IBM T21
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Staffan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Thom=E9n?= <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/06/2003 08:29:54
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[ Original text by Steven M. Bellovin indented ]
> In message <>, Herb Peyerl writes:
> >"Steven M. Bellovin" <>  wrote:
> > > In the past, I've sometimes used num-lock to activate the built-in=20
> > > numeric pad, in which case the ';' key is <numpad minus>, but that no=
> > > longer seems to work, probably because I can't get numlock to activat=
> >
> >Same here. I was all over he keyboard trying to get the numlock to
> >come on.  It seems like it wants to be "shift-scrollock" but that
> >just causes a beep.
> >
> >I'm coming back across the atlantic tomorrow and I'm loaded up with
> >movies, so maybe I'll have another go at it.
> >
> I've been known to edit my config file and restart X....

 If mplayer is what you're using, then it should be able to switch the
 resolution for you, trough XF86VidMode and the -vm switch. I haven't
 tried this though, 800x600 is (currently) fixed on my old xe3-gc lapdog.


Staffan Thom=E9n
     GPG key: 1024D/7C7E2EF8
 Fingerprint: ADB3 455F 10D5 86D1 78D6  048D 11BB D66E 7C7E 2EF8

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