Subject: re: syslog file management
To: None <>
From: Chuck Yerkes <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/16/2003 14:13:21
You want to look at newsyslog and /etc/newsyslog.conf
It rotates files after certain criteria - size, time, etc.
It will keep N generations of each file.
Read up on it a bit and use subjects in your mail messages.
Quoting Hendro Hadiwinoto (
> Hi all,
> I use syslog server for logging all my server. Relate
> to syslog, there are some questions which based on
> kiwi syslog feature as below,
> 1. how to archive of the existing logging file in
> /var/messages every two weeks automatically.
> 2. how to limit messages file in /var/log less than 1
> Mb. When the messages file reach the limit then
> automatically syslog server put the log in to new
> file.
> 3. is it possible to reserve 5 files in /
> var/log/messages (file messages1 to messages5) which
> use for logging and do overwrite the
> all the that can be [done/conducted] by automatically
> by server syslog or having to with script.
> Any comments/heps would be appreciated.