Subject: None
To: None <>
From: Hendro Hadiwinoto <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/16/2003 10:45:54
Hi all,
I use syslog server for logging all my server. Relate
to syslog, there are some questions which based on
kiwi syslog feature as below,
1. how to archive of the existing logging file in
/var/messages every two weeks automatically.
2. how to limit messages file in /var/log less than 1
Mb. When the messages file reach the limit then
automatically syslog server put the log in to new
3. is it possible to reserve 5 files in /
var/log/messages (file messages1 to messages5) which
use for logging and do overwrite the
all the that can be [done/conducted] by automatically
by server syslog or having to with script.
Any comments/heps would be appreciated.