Subject: Re: FTPD: disallowing concurrent connections from same IP
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/19/2003 08:55:30
Dave Huang <> writes:
> > "John Maier" <> writes:
> > > I have a anonymous FTP and I know I can limit transfer rates, number of
> > > connections by group, but is there a way to stop people from making
> > > concurrent connections from the same IP?
> > 
> > Use the class facility and the "limit" facility in ftpd.conf
> > 
> > Man ftpd.conf for details.
> > 
> > I am surprised all sorts of people are recommending non-built in FTP
> > daemons when ours does all the same stuff.
> 'cuz it doesn't. We want to limit the number of concurrent connections
> from the same IP address. NetBSD's ftpd will let you limit the number
> of concurrent anonymous connections, but that's not the same thing.
> I want to allow as as many connections as possible, and they can use
> as much bandwidth as they want, but I want to allow only two
> simultaneous connections from a single IP. Got an example ftpd.conf
> that'll do that?

You can specify a class as "anonymous@host allow myclass" in your
ftpusers and then restrict "myclass" I believe.
