Subject: Re: FTPD: disallowing concurrent connections from same IP
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: John Maier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/18/2003 09:47:34
>This might be true. On the other hand, it is really lame to assume that
>one machine has at most one human user. Think of:

>- a big terminal server or other multiuser machine

>- the only machine-that-has-access-to-the-outside in a student's lab or
  big company

>- (variant of this) a proxy N internal machines have to go through

>- (variant of this) a NAT box N internal machines have to go through

Ahhh, so very true.  However, this is a situation where I'm *very* confident
that this is a situation that should have some sort of connection limiting.

My workaround...limit the number of simultanious connections to 20 and limit
the bandwidth.

The background my friend composes original music along with other around the
world and put it up for download.  I agreed to host the FTP on a personal
Alpha Box I have running here at work.  I have a script that cron kicks off
every hour, I up or lower the number of simultanious connections based on
our bandwith trends.  i.e. after 20:00 I up to 15 connections, after 00:00
up to 20 connections then at 0600 down to 15 and after 0700 down to 10.
Since this IS a personal box I don't want it to compete with company

Anyway I'm seeing some people who think I'm Napster and try to download 5+
songs at once.  This of course eats up 5 of my 10 available slots, chokeing
out 4 potential people.  Of couse there's no real advantage to this, since
each download is potentialy just 1/5 (assuming 5 connections) of the speed a
single download from me.

It's all about implimentation and clients.
