Subject: Re: FTPD: disallowing concurrent connections from same IP
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/18/2003 10:30:10
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On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 06:20:17PM -0600, Dave Huang wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 06:10:16PM -0600, John Maier wrote:
> > I have a anonymous FTP and I know I can limit transfer rates, number of
> > connections by group, but is there a way to stop people from making
> > concurrent connections from the same IP?
> As far as I know, this can't be done with NetBSD's ftpd... ProFTPD
> <> will let you limit the number of connections
> per IP though. And yeah, it's really lame and selfish when people open
> a flood of connections to try to get more than their fair share of the
> bandwidth :)

This might be true. On the other hand, it is really lame to assume that
one machine has at most one human user. Think of:

- a big terminal server or other multiuser machine

- the only machine-that-has-access-to-the-outside in a student's lab or
  big company

- (variant of this) a proxy N internal machines have to go through

- (variant of this) a NAT box N internal machines have to go through


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