Subject: Re: Help enabling PCI ethernet card, tlp0
To: netbsd <>
From: Philip Brodd <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/13/2002 07:56:03
--- Chuck Yerkes <> wrote:
> Quoting Manuel Bouyer (
> > On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 07:39:28PM -0800, Philip Brodd wrote:
> > > Ha, this shows my attention to detail :^)  The cable does appear to be
> seated
> > > snugly in both the card and the base station, however.  I also tried a
> few
> > 
> > It's connected to the airport base station ? Are you sure the port
> > is not MDI-X instead of MDI ?
> > If so, it would require a crossover cable.
> Airports are a regular 10baseT connection.
> Toss a hub in to debug a bit.
> And you can sniff a hub.  Don't have a hub?  Look in most dumpsters.
> They are like mushrooms.
> Lacking a hub or switch, you need a crossover cable between airport
> and machine.

I've now tried both standard and crossover cables with the same result.  Also,
the card works as advertised in a G4 running OS X, connected directly to the
AirPort, with the driver supplied by Asanté.  

I'm assuming this means the tlp driver doesn't fully support this card.  Is it
possible to try a different driver?  Scanning the archives, it looks like de
and tlp support some of the same interfaces.  I don't see a reference to de in
my kernel config file, though.  Do I just comment out the tlp line, add one
like 'de*    at pci? dev ? function ?', and recompile?

Thanks for all your comments so far.


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