Subject: IPFilter and passive FTP Servers
To: None <>
From: Sam Carleton <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/26/2002 09:44:55
I have installed wu-ftp on a machine behine the NetBSD firewall. I have
configured wu-ftp to use ports 15000 through 19999 for passive FTP. Now
I need to figure out how to configure the firewall. I believe I have
the ipf.conf config correct:
pass in quick on iy0 proto tcp from any to port 15000 >< 20000 flags S keep state
I am trying to figure out how to configure ipnat.conf. The best I can figure is:
rdr iy0 0/0 port 26000:31999 -> port 26000:31999 tcp
But am concerned about trying it considering I am currently 100 miles from the
Is my guess correct? If not, could some straigten me out?