Subject: Re: Help with PHP-4.2.3/PEAR (i386)
To: Markus W Kilbinger <>
From: Lista de NetBSD Users <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/21/2002 10:26:50
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Markus W Kilbinger wrote:

>     Lista> Last night I upgrade my webmail server from php-4.1.2 to
>     Lista> 4.2.3 and apache-1.3.26nb4 to 1.3.27.
>     Lista> Then when the clients try to access the page, browsers
>     Lista> shows the legend "I cant show such page" or some else.
>     Lista> Looking for logs, the only message I found is this:
>     Lista> [Sun Oct 20 21:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 12014 exit
>     Lista> signal Segmentation fault (11)
> Have a look at
> For me it's still present in PHP 4.2.3 though it's marked closed.

Thanks, Markus.

I can't find the file httpd.core in my system. The home dir of the
user www is /nonexistent and it really doesnt exists:)
Is there the place for httpd.core?

I would like compile my apache and php with the debug options
enabled but I dont know how to do it. My interest is to do some
test one of this nights and generate a httpd.core (or some else)
and check it with gdb.

My only experience with gdb is find the stack trace. With this,
I have solved some problems.

Thanks a lot

Heron Gallegos