Subject: Help with PHP-4.2.3/PEAR (i386)
To: None <>
From: Lista de NetBSD Users <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/21/2002 09:19:49

Last night I upgrade my webmail server from php-4.1.2 to 4.2.3
and apache-1.3.26nb4 to 1.3.27.

Then when the clients try to access the page, browsers shows the
legend "I cant show such page" or some else. Looking for logs,
the only message I found is this:

[Sun Oct 20 21:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 12014 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

(in /var/log/httpd/error_log)

My server is NetBSD-1.6/i386 and the pkgsrc.tar.gz is from yesterday.
My webmail service is horde and imp versions 2.1 and 3.1

The page gives me some interesting info:
(showing after downgrade again)
Horde versions
* Horde: 2.1
* IMP: 3.1
* Turba: 1.1
* Kronolith: 1.0
* Mnemo: 1.0
* Nag: 1.0
* Signup: 0.1
PHP Version
* PHP Version: 4.1.2 		(*** new says 4.2.3 ***)
* PHP Major Version: 4.1 	(*** new says 4.2 ***)
* PHP Minor Version: 2 		(*** new says 3 ***)
* PHP Version Classification: release
* You are running a supported version of PHP.
PHP Module Capabilities
* FTP Support: No
* Gettext Support: Yes
* IMAP Support: Yes
* LDAP Support: No
* MCAL Support: No
* Mcrypt Support: No
* MySQL Support: Yes
* PostgreSQL Support: No
* XML Support: Yes
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
* short_open_tag enabled: Yes
* magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
* file_uploads enabled: Yes
PHP Sessions
* Session counter: 1
* To unregister the session: click here
* PEAR - Yes
* Recent PEAR - Yes
* Mail::RFC822 - Yes
* Log - Yes  <----------- HERE is different **********
* DB - Yes
The difference for PHP-4.2.3 is this (two rows):
* Log - No
* Make sure yoy're using a recent version of PEAR which includes the Log class.

I don't know if this is the cause of my problem but it is the only
suspect I have.

Question: How can I compile PHP-4.2.3, PEAR and the Log class?

Thanks in advance

Heron Gallegos
Centro Siglo XXI - Informatica Educativa
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
More info:
After upgrade and check php-4.2.3 doesnt works for me, I downgrade
and this is my pkg_info
digest-20010807     Message digest wrapper utility
expat-1.95.4        XML parser library written in C
libmm-1.2.1         Portable abstraction layer for shared memory
apache-1.3.26nb4    Apache HTTP (Web) server
perl-5.6.1nb7       Practical Extraction and Report Language
mysql-client-3.23.49nb1 MySQL, a free SQL database (client)
php-4.1.2           HTML-embedded scripting language
php-mysql-4.1.2     PHP4 extension for MySQL databases
php-xml-4.1.2       PHP4 extension for parsing XML
pcre-3.7            Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
php-pcre-4.1.2      PHP4 extension for Perl-compatible regular expressions
imap-uw-2001.1      University of Washington's IMAP, POP2, and POP3 servers
ap-php-4.1.2        Apache module for PHP4
php-imap-4.1.2      PHP4 extension for IMAP (Internet Mailbox Access Protocol)
php-session-4.1.2nb2 PHP4 extension for session-handling
snarf-7.0           simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
php-gettext-4.1.2   PHP4 extension for gettext support
The following pkg_info was when it didnt work.
digest-20010807     Message digest wrapper utility
expat-1.95.5        XML parser library written in C
libmm-1.2.1         Portable abstraction layer for shared memory
apache-1.3.27       Apache HTTP (Web) server
perl-5.6.1nb7       Practical Extraction and Report Language
mysql-client-3.23.49nb1 MySQL, a free SQL database (client)
php-4.2.3           HTML-embedded scripting language
php-mysql-4.2.3     PHP4 extension for MySQL databases
php-xml-4.2.3       PHP4 extension for parsing XML
pcre-3.9            Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
php-pcre-4.2.3      PHP4 extension for Perl-compatible regular expressions
imap-uw-2001.1      University of Washington's IMAP, POP2, and POP3 servers
ap-php-4.2.3        Apache module for PHP4
php-imap-4.2.3      PHP4 extension for IMAP (Internet Mailbox Access Protocol)
php-session-4.2.3   PHP4 extension for session-handling
snarf-7.0           simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
php-gettext-4.2.3   PHP4 extension for gettext support