Subject: Re: openssl-0.9.6e + release-1-4 + i386 = unhappy
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Uwe Lienig <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/20/2002 13:04:05
Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Uwe Lienig wrote:
> > Today I sup'ed the pkgsrc. After successful upgrade of pkgsrc I tried to make
> > openssl. make fetched openssl-0.9.6g ok. The buildprocess started - and failed
> > immediately with
> >
> > #> make
> > ===> Building for openssl-0.9.6g
> > cd: can't cd to /usr/pkgsrc/obj/security/openssl/work/openssl-0.9.6g
> > *** Error code 2
> >
> > Stop.
> > *** Error code 1
> >
> > Stop.
> >
> > Obviously something isn't as expected. The work dir in <OBJ> hasn't been
> > created. Seems to be, that the fetched packages aren't unpacked - am I wrong ? I
> > suppose that the failure isn't related to pmax port but to the package system.
> Have you set ${WRKOBJDIR} to a directory that doesn't exist or isn't
> writable?

This is my /etc/mk.conf
# $NetBSD:,v 1.77 2002/07/30 18:42:14 wiz Exp $

# A file providing defaults for pkgsrc and the packages collection.
# See the NetBSD mk.conf(5) and packages(7) manual page for a full
# description of all available options.

# ************************************************************************
# ************************************************************************

WRKOBJDIR=      /usr/pkgsrc/obj
# build here instead of in pkgsrc
# Possible: any path
# Default: not defined

LOCALBASE?=     /usr/pkg
# Where non-X-based packages will be installed
# Possible: any path
# Default: /usr/pkg

DISTDIR?=       ${_PKGSRCDIR}/distfiles
# Directory where original distribution
# files are stored.
# Possible: any path you like
# Default: /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles

ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=   cyrus-imapd-license
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=   fee-based-commercial-use
# Enable it if you accept the license terms for cyrus-imapd
# and would like to build cyrus-imapd.  see pkgsrc/mail/cyrus-imapd.

MASTER_SORT=        .de .ch .se .fi .no .at
# Whitespace delimited list of preferred download locations. 
# MASTER_SITES and PATCH_SITES will be reordered according to the hosts'
# address last components.
# Possible: list of domain name suffixes
# Default: none

CYRUS_GROUP?=   mail
# Used in the cyrus-imapd package to specify the group used for
# installing setuid programs.
# Possible: any group name
# Default: mail

CYRUS_USER?=    cyrus
# Used in the cyrus-imapd package to specify the userid used for
# installing setuid programs.
# Possible: any user name
# Default: cyrus

Compilation is done as root.
/usr/pkgsrc/obj is in place, even /usr/pkgsrc/obj/security/openssl/work/ does
exist. And /usr/pkgsrc/obj/security/openssl/work/openssl-0.9.6e has been created
by the last attempt to build openssl-0.9.6e before the upgrade of pkgsrc via sup
this morning.

Hope, this clarifies the situation.

> Frederick

Uwe Lienig  | fon: (+49 351) 462 2780 |
            | fax: (+49 351) 462 3476 |
HTW Dresden | parcels: Gutzkowstr. 22 | letters: PF 12 07 01       
   -FiF-    |          01069 Dresden  |          01008 Dresden