Subject: Re: sun-jdk13, javac dir recursing ??'s something NFS
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Noud de Brouwer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/20/2002 10:55:41
On 20-Aug-2002 David Brownlee wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Noud de Brouwer wrote:
>> > now.. sun-jdk13 .. i notice javac doesn't recurse working directories
>> > anymore.
>> it's an NFS probl.
>> if source at nfs mounted builds (using javac, ant) go wrong
>> somehow.
> Have you tried mounting with -X?
thanx to your reply/remark i now did. solves the probl.
man mount_nfs:
-X Perform 32 <-> 64 bit directory cookie translation for version 3
mounts. This may be need in the case of a server using the upper
32 bits of v3 directory cookies, and when you are running emulat-
ed binaries that access such a filesystem. Native NetBSD binaries
will never need this option. This option introduces some over-
## UNIX's an abbreviation ##
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