Subject: matlab on NetBSD/i386
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/12/2002 20:20:17
Anyone has some experience (or better some success) with Matlab on
NetBSD/i386? I'm stuck with JVM problems:

This is Matlab 12.1 for Linux on NetBSD-1.6_BETA5 on an i386. Linux
libraries are installed using pkgsrc.

Installation is a bit tricky, since you have a few scripts where you
have to change #!/bin/sh into #!/emul/linux/bin/sh. There are also some
things to adjust by hand, but at least it works.

The license server is ok, it works fine.

Running matlab -nojvm works fine: it starts up with the spash screen,
then you have the Matlab shell in your terminal. Trying some demos show
that it is able to open new windows for displaying graphics, that's
fine, but you don't have the Matlab desktop, and you loose a lot of GUI
stuff in demos. 

Without the -nojvm flag, the matlab binary will crash on startup,
getting a SIGSEGV at java initialisation (you have a java.log file which
makes the thing obvious).

The SIGSEGV happens after a read, so it's not an obvious COMPAT_LINUX
bug. I don't know yet where it is coming from.

This happens with the jre-1.1.8_v3 that is bundled with matlab. Using
sun-jre-1.3 or sun-jre-1.4 from pkgsrc, matlab hang on startup. ktracing
the beast shows a SIGSEGV caught by one thread, probably the same

Anyone had to face this kind of trouble? I need the desktop! :o)

Emmanuel Dreyfus.