Subject: Re: pkgsrc/glib/gtk problem
To: , <>
From: Richard Grace <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/07/2002 19:01:29
>>> Jukka Marin <> 7/08/2002 18:49:56 >>>

> I'm trying to build things requiring gtk+ (gtk+-1.2.10nb2) from the
> pkgsrc cvsupped last night.  My system is 1.6beta5 built yesterday.

Sounds like the /usr/share/mk stuff is out of order.

Did you do etcupdate after the system build?

That's all I can think of.  I will be updating to beta5 myself soon,
but probably not soon enough to be of any help.  Let me know
off-list if you would like me to try a build straight away.  I gather
you're running NetBSD/i386 by the fact that you have cvsup.
