Subject: Cable Setting : Jumper Settings
To: netbsd <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/14/2002 19:08:56
I use a Seagate Hard Disk and my friend uses a Samsung Hard Disk . On
the Samsung Hard Disk,
the Jumper settings indicated positions for Master , Slave and 'Cable
Settings' .
- What is this 'Cable Settings' for which there is a jumper setting ?
The notes above indicated jumper settings for 1. Upto 32 GB 2. Above 32
GB 3. 32 GB Clip
- What is this 32 GB Clip ?
My friend tried to make his Samsung Hard Disk as Slave and mine
(Seagate) as Master ,
but for some reason this did not materialise .
- What could the reason be ? (actually I was not present at the time he
did this).
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