Subject: Re: Mac or PC for IP gateway?/Mac or PC for Samba?
To: Gary Montcalm <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/08/2002 20:31:36
> My question is, should I switch the Mac, which already has a fast
> NIC, to NetBSD PPC and run Samba there, and use the old 486/33 (which
> already has a 56K modem and a 10 MBit NIC) for Internet routing?
Unless you have a very big internet pipe the 486 will be able to deal with
that job just fine. I used a similar machine (486/50) as my DSL router (and
later replaced it, for completely unrelated reasons, with an even slower
Sparc Station 2). The SS2 now uses about 10% CPU load. This includes IP Filter
and MSS clamping.