Subject: Mac or PC for IP gateway?/Mac or PC for Samba?
To: None <>
From: Gary Montcalm <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/08/2002 10:27:35
Thanks to everyone who responded to my post about the feasibility of 
attempting to run a 10/100 ethernet card on our ancient 486. I've 
decided to upgrade to a faster machine for Samba.

One more question on this matter, however: We already have a 
Macintosh Performa 5400/180 doing IP routing via Mac OS 9.1 and 
IPNetRouter (a Mac shareware utility). It has 64 MB of memory and a 
Macally 10/100 ethernet card. This setup works very well for its 
intended purpose, and I've always had the idea that a "Classic" Mac 
OS machine doing PPP/ethernet routing made a good natural firewall.

My question is, should I switch the Mac, which already has a fast 
NIC, to NetBSD PPC and run Samba there, and use the old 486/33 (which 
already has a 56K modem and a 10 MBit NIC) for Internet routing? I 
really like IPNetRouter, and kind of hate to give it up, and have 
even seen it recommended by some NetBSD users, but I don't want to 
cling to it if NetBSD on the old PC can do the job just as well or 

The alternative is to completely trash the old 486 and get a Pentium 
II box or a PowerMac off eBay to run Samba, and keep the 5400 running 

Gary Montcalm