Subject: vnd problems in 1.5.2?
To: None <>
From: Malcolm Herbert <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/05/2002 16:30:45
I'm running a 1.5.2 machine and seeing some problems with .iso
images mounted via vnd ... basically on some files an md5sum will
give you different results when it is run.  I'm not sure whether
the problem is to do with the virtual device driver, the machines
disk or the machines memory ... can anyone shed any light on this
or give me some pointers as to where I should look for more info?

|Script started on Fri Jul  5 16:01:00 2002
|tethys[~] 1v#: cd /export/redhat/7.3/iso/i386
|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 2v#: ls -al
|total 5993814
|drwxr-xr-x  2 root  operator        512 Jul  3 15:36 .
|drwxr-xr-x  3 root  operator        512 Jul  3 16:37 ..
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator        571 May  2 02:14 MD5SUM
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator  585400320 Apr 30 13:38 valhalla-SRPMS-disc1.iso
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator  625541120 Apr 30 13:44 valhalla-SRPMS-disc2.iso
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator  668499968 Apr 30 13:20 valhalla-i386-disc1.iso
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator  669548544 Apr 30 13:27 valhalla-i386-disc2.iso
|-rw-r--r--  1 root  operator  518291456 Apr 30 13:32 valhalla-i386-disc3.iso
|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 3v#: cat MD5SUM
|Hash: SHA1
|c9a4d963a49e384e10dec9c2bd49ad73  valhalla-SRPMS-disc1.iso
|41b03d068e84d2a17147aa27e704f79b  valhalla-SRPMS-disc2.iso
|cb91810ce8173039fed24420407e4c59  valhalla-i386-disc1.iso
|ec1b813d32ffdc8edc2be261735d17de  valhalla-i386-disc2.iso
|5dc81ce523cfddf99b4d4d63e91bcaa7  valhalla-i386-disc3.iso
|Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
|Comment: For info see
|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 4v#: md5 *
|MD5 (MD5SUM) = 9ff188cd1da78b991f43eff69b041b16
|MD5 (valhalla-SRPMS-disc1.iso) = c9a4d963a49e384e10dec9c2bd49ad73
|MD5 (valhalla-SRPMS-disc2.iso) = 41b03d068e84d2a17147aa27e704f79b
|MD5 (valhalla-i386-disc1.iso) = cb91810ce8173039fed24420407e4c59
|MD5 (valhalla-i386-disc2.iso) = ec1b813d32ffdc8edc2be261735d17de
|MD5 (valhalla-i386-disc3.iso) = 5dc81ce523cfddf99b4d4d63e91bcaa7

OK, so first of all, the md5 sums of the CD iso images match the
MD5SUM file ... so no apparent problems with the files on the filesystem

lets mount the image:

|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 5v#: vnconfig vnd0 valhalla-i386-disc2.iso
|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 6v#: mount -t cd9660 /dev/vnd0a /mnt/vnd0
|tethys[...7.3/iso/i386] 7v#: cd /mnt/vnd0
|tethys[/mnt/vnd0] 8v#: cd RedHat/RPMS
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 9v#: mount
|/dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
|/dev/wd0e on /usr type ffs (local)
|kernfs on /kern type kernfs (local)
|/dev/sd0a on /esc type ffs (local)
|/dev/sd0b on /scratch type ffs (local)
|/scratch/export on /export type null (local)
|/dev/vnd0a on /mnt/vnd0 type cd9660 (local, read-only)

so far so good ... here's where the fun begins:

|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 10v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm 
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = 92bbcdfa4dfdc910207fb0d19f56aebb
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 11v#: md5 * > /dev/null

(I let this run for a few seconds)

|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 12v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm 
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = 76b971829b26add1dc7fcd6c24a3ad31
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 13v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = fea5b6281b1399db6c0e3e6f7422c636
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 14v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = fea5b6281b1399db6c0e3e6f7422c636
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 15v#: cat * > /dev/null

(again, let it run a few seconds)

|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 16v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = 07700406a3539f35a4a2f43c48c177c0
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 17v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = fa8472b4b19238506b6c9eafa6780b8b
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 18v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = e2494f27b250531becd360b3431834e1
|tethys[...vnd0/RedHat/RPMS] 19v#: md5 xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm
|MD5 (xsnow-1.42-3.i386.rpm) = e2494f27b250531becd360b3431834e1

... !

Malcolm Herbert                                This brain intentionally                                                left blank