Subject: Re: building a bootable 'install' cd
To: None <>
From: Rob Quinn <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/19/2002 13:55:59
> | dd if=/dev/zero of=myboot.fs count=5760
> | vnconfig -t floppy288 -v -c /dev/vnd0d myboot.fs
> | disklabel -rw /dev/vnd0d floppy288
I found that the 2.88M floppy images failed on one computer I had. No errors,
the machine just went on to test the next boot device in the BIOS search path.
Sorry, I can't remember which vendor or how old the machine was, but all I had
around at the time were Compaqs and a Toshiba. The 144 floppy image worked
> | gzip -v -c -9 $KERNEL > $MOUNT/netbsd
Don't forget this in the kernel:
config netbsd root on cd0a type cd9660 dumps on none
> mkisofs -v -v -o /path/outpu.....
I mounted /usr/pkg and /usr/X11R6 onto my root before running mkisofs, and
then used -exclude-list to remove a lot of large crap I wouldn't need on a
read-only system, like '*.a' and 'games'. Looks like I also excluded
'cat[1-9]' but I can't remember if that did what I wanted...