Subject: Re: building a bootable 'install' cd
To: Steve Bellovin <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/18/2002 15:33:27
On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Steve Bellovin wrote:

> I'm getting ready to install 1.6 and/or its betas.  Given the set of
> machines I want to install it on, the easiest and most reliable way is
> for me to burn a CD with all of the installation stuff.  It would be
> especially nice on my laptop for the CD to be bootable.  How do I

Do you mean your own custom CD?

For regular method: after doing a "make build" under src and xsrc, you can
do a "make iso-image".

> prepare one of those?  More specifically, what options and what files
> do I pass to mkisofs to create the proper image?

For the custom method: you need to build a boot image first and place it
in to the pathspec (as mkisofs calls it).

Here are some ideas:

dd if=/dev/zero of=myboot.fs count=5760
vnconfig -t floppy288 -v -c /dev/vnd0d myboot.fs
disklabel -rw /dev/vnd0d floppy288
newfs -B le -m 0 -o space -i 204800 -c 80 /dev/rvnd0a floppy288
/usr/mdec/installboot -v -f /usr/mdec/biosboot.sym /dev/rvnd0a
mount /dev/vnd0a $MOUNT
gzip -v -c -9 $KERNEL > $MOUNT/netbsd
chmod a+x $MOUNT/netbsd
umount $MOUNT
vnconfig -u vnd0d

Then I use mkisofs instead of mkhybrid, like:

mkhybrid -o output.iso -b myboot.fs -c boot.catalog -a -l -D -J -R -L $DIRTREE

I have made bootable CD images (i386) around 50 times. (I have a CD-based,
ram-based system that I frequently have used for past few months for
demos, classes, etc. I am working on making a X-based installer for it.)

Hope this helps,

   Jeremy C. Reed