Subject: Re: RAIDframe questions
To: Greg Oster <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/18/2002 17:17:44
* Greg Oster <> [020618 17:09]:
> writes:
> >
> > Two quick clarifications please:
> >
> > 1] Is RAIDframes fundamental unit the partition (i.e. disklabel partitions)
> > or the disk?
> Partition.
> > 2] Can you mix and match different (size, speed) disks/partitions
> > in a RAID-5 set?
> Yes, but:
> 1) The smallest component will be the limiting factor on the size of the
> RAID set.
> 2) There may be detrimental performance implications to mixing disks of
> different speeds.
That's fine - I'm nursing an old SS4 with twin 2Gb SCSIs,
so it's not going to be setting any speed records anyway - just a
sacrificial lamb until I get my head round how RF works, then
I'll try it on my main servers.
Just found Peter Clarks BSDtoday article, that should get me started.
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns