Subject: Re: Help Installing on Sony Picturebook
To: Jerry A! <>
From: David Ferlier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/18/2002 00:17:45
On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 01:16:22PM -0400, Jerry A! wrote:
> I'm trying to get 1.6B2 installed on a Sony Picturebook.  The only
> problem is that the only install method I have available is the Sony
> CD51 pcmcia cdrom (sorry, I don't own the USB floppy).
> Not a problem, except that I need a boot image that supports pcmcia and
> pcmcia cdroms.  I was thinking that bootlap may do the trick.  However,
> I can't seem to create a valid boot image.
> I tried the following:
> cat bootlap1.fs bootlap2.fs > bootlap-tmp.fs
> dd if=bootlap-tmp.fs of=bootlap-big.fs ibs=2880k obs=2880k conv=sync
> And then a simple mkisofs with -b = bootlap-big.fs.
> All that went well.  However, when I boot off that cd, I get the
> following:
>     Disk is not from the volume set?!
>     Please insert disk2, and press return...
> So, is there anyway to get this to work?  Thanks in advance.

I see what you wanna do. You only got a pcmcia cdrom ? ok ..

The thing you need to know is whether you want to put only *one* os on the disk. If there's another os on the disk, and you wanna keep it, i can nothing for you.

If you just want NetBSD (good choice ;-), then you can do like i did with my "no-floppy-no-bios-who-supports-2.88m-img-bootable-cds" laptop. Do a dd with the traditionnal 2.88 img (i think this is bootbig.fs) directly on /dev/wd0c (if i remember well). I know you first need to go in an OS to do that, but you surely get to boot any unix os, or maybe you already got one on the disk.

After that, remove the cd, reboot and the disk should jump on the netbsd bootloader). Hit enter and the kernel boots.

Does it help you or not ? :-)

>         --Jerry
> Open-Source software isn't a matter of life or death...
> ...It's much more important than that!


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David Ferlier -