Subject: Re: [ hardware ] - LCD resolution on DELL Laptops
To: Joel CARNAT <>
From: Chema <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/17/2002 18:28:09
On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 17:25:10 +0200
Joel CARNAT <> wrote:

> Hi,
> 	seeing shots of *BSD gurus, I realised most of them had laptops.
> 	for curiosity I went to DELL's homepage to check their hightest
> products (specificaly Inspiron 8200).
> 	a weird thing I noticed was that they claim resolution up to 1600x1200
> on their LCD screen...
> ***************
> ***************
> 	using Inspiron 8200, 8100 or 4100, can we get "real" 1400x1050 on the
> LCD ?
> 	I mean, is it 1400x1050 on the LCD or does it use some kinda virtual
> desktop with 1024x768 visible and scrollable with the mouse ?

Ups, I answered too fast, I have checked the 4100 XFree mode and it is set to REAL 1400x1050 (not 1600x1200) and that is the limit for my model (UXGA+ 14,1" screen, ATI Radeon M6). 1600x1200 is for the 8200 with a UXGA+ 15" NVidia GeForce.
Sorry my first answer.

> 	the reason is that I've never wanted to buy a laptop because a screen
> of 1024 is really too tiny (for me)... but if I'd be able to have
> 1400x1050 entirelly on the LCD, I would thing twice... :)
> thanks for the answers,
> 	Jo