Subject: This has GOT to be a bug in ksh...
To: None <>
From: ali \(Anders Lindgren\) <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/16/2002 15:23:05
.. and if it isn't, ksh is b0rken by design. ;-)
I frequently come across a certain type of compressed audio files *cough*
with spaces in their filenames, and I frequently wish to feed them to
an audio-player one by one (because mpg123 is buggy) and being a lazy bum,
I like to just fiddle something together on the commandline.
Now, this shouldn't pose a problem even to the moderately
shell-programming skilled person such as yours truly. Yet I find
myself tearing my hair again and again. I now sat down to figure
out exactly wtf the problem is. Trivial, non-typical demonstration:
$ for f in "Berra äter ost" "Lisa visar rattarna" ; do echo $f ; done
"Berra äter ost"
"Lisa visar rattarna"
ok, great. So it *should* work. So let's do it on files then! Ergo:
$ touch "Berra äter ost" "Lisa visar rattarna"
$ for f in `find . -type f | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/'` ; do echo $f ; done
err... what the fsck? Hrrm, ok, maybe ksh gets confused by them newlines
in between the quoted names that "find" inserts. Let's try to remove them:
$ for f in `find . -type f | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/' | tr '\n' ' '` ; do
echo $f ; done
Ehm. This can't be right. Did I do a typo somewhere? Better check:
$ find . -type f | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/' | tr '\n' ' '
"./Berra äter ost" "./Lisa visar rattarna" $
Hrrm apparently not. This is insane. Let's bother netbsd-users about
it. ;-)
Any ideas? I can't believe no-one has stumbled into this before.
(Yes, I usually try find -print0 ... xargs -0, and it usually doesn't
work for whatever it is I am trying to do for IRL situations)