Subject: How do you manage sources?
To: NetBSD users <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/27/2002 21:39:59
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Hi all
this is a personal question, mainly for people who changes sources ;)
I previously had /usr/src owned by juli:juli, my own user/group, so I
could change whatever I want at any moment. Yesterday I switched it to
root:wheel to try a Unprived build, which worked fine and now I'm
thinking the best way to "manage" those sources (pkgsrc too) so users
can work on them.
How do you manage their permissions? Maybe with a group ("src") which
has read/write on them? Or... simply owned by the user you will use
to work on them?
Maybe mount_union? Or any other way to work on them cleanly?
The problem touching original sources is that I can't keep copies of
the original ones easily.
I'm just asking for "ideas" and oppinions; I know there is no "Right
Way" nor "Bad Way", but maybe having different point of view I can
decide how to manage this better hehe.
Of course it runs NetBSD -
HispaBSD member -
Julio Merino <>
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