Subject: Re: OT: apple's marketing is just insolent
To: Charles Shannon Hendrix , <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/21/2002 11:03:03

I'm not sure that we were ever told where the ad came from, were we?
Without knowing who the intended audience is, it's hard to say if it was a
good ad.  (Also, I don't see why we should concern ourselves, on a NetBSD
list, with whether Apple has an effective advertising arm.)

As for the ``insolence'' of their ad, bear in mind that they are a
commercial company.  That, coupled with the fact that the ad was
presumably drawn up by ``marketing'' (possbly with little or no input from
the engineers), what exactly did you expect?  An ad's purpose is to make
an impression, attract attention/investigation, and maybe even directly
contribute to sales.  It's not there to give a fair and unbiased review of
the product in question.  Nor is it there to promote the other systems
from which it lifted bits (beyond perhaps, ``they had some good stuff,
which we have borrowed'').

From seeing it in stores (okay, one MicroCenter), I frankly think that
they've done a good job of puttig a nice user interface on top of a
UNIX-like system.  (Although, other than being slicker, it's not
appreciably better than KDE on NetBSD for basic user-interface or even the
old Amiga...but it's rather better than the original Mac's that I've had
to use from time to time.  The real plus, I think, would lie in things
like commercial software support---which I don't need, but which some
people might need or want.)

If I had space (on my desk and in my budget) for it, it'd be cool to have
one.  But, I've already got 3 NetBSD machines and the Mac's have always
seemed overpriced to me.

Okay, that's my first and last message on this thread about the ad for the
new Mac OS.  (^&  I couldn't resist saying *something* after seeing the
thread spool by for so long, so I did.  Sorry.

  ``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''