Subject: Filesystem locking in VMware
To: netbsd users <>
From: Chris Lloyd <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/18/2002 16:46:41
Whenever I start vmware in netbsd-1.5.2 it tells me:
VMware Workstation is unable to determine if the filesystem that the
directory /usr/home/chrissy/.vmware is located on supports the needed
file locking functionality (filesystem type = 0x1).
If this file system does support file locking then you
can enable its use by setting
host.FSSupportLocking1 = 0x1
in your configuration file. The next time that you power-on
the virtual machine the filesystem will be considered ok.
Cannot lock the preferences file.
Module 10 initialization failed.
none of my "never show me this hint again" requests seem to stick either.
I don't have a .vmware/preferences or a .vmware/config
creating them and putting "host.FSSupportLocking1 = 0x1" into either doesn't
seem to help.
Anyone know how I can get rid of these annoying messages?
- Chris