Subject: mkisofs puts all files in root?
To: NetBSD Users <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/29/2002 11:03:56
I installed the latest version of cdrecord package (not cdrecord-current)
on my NetBSD15ZC system and ran
mkisofs -l -L -N -o /tmp/isofs -r -v -v jpg/99????
When I burned a CD, I found that all files are in the root directory, and
the original directory tree was completely lost. I was expecting to see
several subdirectories under jpg and the files in the subdirectories.
I believe I have used the same command line succesfully before to copy the
directory hierarchy to CD.
Is mkisofs broken or am I just blind (I have read the man page, but afaict,
this should work).