Subject: Re: Terse device names
To: Thomas Mueller <>
From: John Clark <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/27/2002 07:26:31
Am Samstag den, 27. April 2002, um 03:27, schrieb Thomas Mueller:

> from Wojciech Puchar <>:
>> and on 1200bps connection ed shows it's power.
> What do you mean by that?  ed is a text editor, not a communications 
> program.

Ed does not use fancy screen controls, repainting the window required
some large set of characters to be sent down the line, etc.
If you wish to list out some lines you may do so, but it is not required
to execute some ed commands...

I've used ed on a 300 baud line, I think I would recommend
9600 as the minimum for vi...