Subject: Re: Installing most recent Gnome, not using pkgsrc.
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/26/2002 15:13:53
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On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 10:49:52PM -0400, wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience installng Gnome from scratch on=20
> NetBSD? On my 1.5.2 system, many of the packages are behind the=20
> versions in the most recent stable. I have had many applications like=20
> the gnome control center and other things not work right, or crash=20
> altogether and I'd like to see if moving to the most stable sources=20
> would help. I'm running the most stable on Redhat 7.2 and it is rock=20
> solid.
If you find some pkgsrc's outdated, contact the maintainer or do yourself
the patches to update them.
Although I find Gnome 1.4 packages stable and recent... Note that RH72
does some modifications to configuration, which may make gnome a bit
better looking by default.
> Also, I want to install Gnome 2.0 Beta and also have 1.4 Stable=20
> installed and be able to choose which one to use when starting X. I=20
I would install both gnome's under different trees. You would compile and
install Gnome 1.4 to /usr/local/gnome1 and Gnome 2.0 to /usr/local/gnome2.
Then, to start one or other, setup your path and run the appropiate binary,
(gnome-session for 1.4, dunno for 2.0).
Of course it runs NetBSD -
HispaBSD member -
Julio Merino <>
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