Subject: Installing most recent Gnome, not using pkgsrc.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/25/2002 22:49:52
	Does anyone have any experience installng Gnome from scratch on 
NetBSD?  On my 1.5.2 system, many of the packages are behind the 
versions in the most recent stable.  I have had many applications like 
the gnome control center and other things not work right, or crash 
altogether and I'd like to see if moving to the most stable sources 
would help.  I'm running the most stable on Redhat 7.2 and it is rock 
	Also, I want to install Gnome 2.0 Beta and also have 1.4 Stable 
installed and be able to choose which one to use when starting X.  I 
want to start developing Gnome applications and working on the 
infrastructure and this seems like a good way to do this.  Is anyone out 
there doing this or knows if it can be done?  The documentation for 
Gnome in general is a little sparse. : (
	Sorry if the above questions seem off topic for this list.


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