Subject: Re: Pthreads...
To: Christophe Kalt <>
From: John Clark <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/13/2002 10:14:10
Am Samstag den, 13. April 2002, um 09:42, schrieb Christophe Kalt:

> On Apr 10, B. James Phillippe wrote:
> | To John: FWIW, I've had the best success with threads on NetBSD using 
> | pth (I'm using 1.4.0 from pkgsrc).  As another poster pointed out, 
> you'll
> | want to compile with -D_POSIX_THREAD_SYSCALL_SOFT=1 to enable 
> non-blocking
> | system call wrappers.
> Hm, why not hard?

Well, hard or soft, I was able to get the program running to the point 
of the
next oddity. I'm looking at the Iscsi implementation from Intel. At some 
point when
this code begins to send a lot of data, I get a 'syscall interrupted 
message' (or something
to that effect, I don't have the setup at the moment, so I can't give 
the accurate wording).

Anyway, other things have come up... as in Taxes... or Death, I can't 
figure out which...